Friday, February 25, 2011

Making Our Dreams Come True

So what I was saying, I was saying the new place (you know, the basement) reminds me of Laverne & Shirley's apartment, what with that daylight window lettin' 'em know when Lenny & Squiggy was heading down (though they never knew -- them two just burst in whenever they pleased: "Hello!"). But we have this daylight window, too. Surely there's another parallel, right? Well, yeah, on account of us both living in Milwaukee. Well, they live in Milwaukee (two "E's"), Wisconsin, while we're in Milwaukie ("IE"), Oregon. Go know, right?

I wished I wrote dis post earlier when Eddie Mekka was in town. Whaddya mean, "Eddie Who?" Carmine Ragusa, The Big Ragu. He was in town (Portland) recently for the Broadway Across America production of "Grease". (Mekka did not play Danny Zuko -- Kerrist! He's gotta be in his 60s!)

"You know I go from rags to riches!" That being what he sung (In "L&S", not "Grease".) We're trying to do the same (saving money, living frugal). I think it's going pretty well, so far (it's easy to save money when you've been home sick for the last month, as we have).

So, anyway, see we've got that daylight window like Laverne & Shirley (not to mention our own real live Boo Boo Kitty, except he's a real kitty, and he's a jerk, but we got another one, too, who disappears under the bed before you can even get out the other "Boo").

Oh, and here's our window view. Jeez, it's just plain awful being at ground level.

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