Monday, May 23, 2011

A Monday Evening

I'm loading "Where the Action Is! Los Angeles Nuggets 1965-1968" into iTunes.

Erin's cutting up New York magazines for a collage.

Adam's previewing Lady Gaga's new album on his smart phone.

Josh is manning the remotes, time-traveling through commercials.

We're all watching TV. "Parks & Recreation", then "The Office." Oh, and "Modern Family."

Earlier, Adam made sweet & sour chicken, and we ate it.

Adam & Josh have gone to bed. Erin & I are watching "Glee."

I'm drinking green tree.

Simba just walked into the living room. Now he's roaming, maybe stalking. Lazy stalking. Not even -- he's just walking. He stops at the bathroom door which we keep closed. He wants to get in there and climb into the basket of towels and cover the towels in long orange fluff.

Nala, too, has ventured out of the bedroom, making an appearance only slightly less rare than Garbo.

Good, Mike, keeping making those Greta Garbo references.


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