Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Basement Blather 1.0: I Always Like to Begin with a Picture

I write a lot of stuff after looking at pictures. The image is a trigger for the word. Indeed the image articulates the sentiment more clearly than the word. The word obscures and manipulates. But I'm hooked on words. If the "Word" is a virus, as Burroughs writes (wait a minute...), then I am infected. Logosexual, you could say (but I wouldn't recommend it; first of all, they'll look at you funny, and secondly, I just coined the phrase* and don't even know what it means).

(*Sonofagun! Beaten to the punch!)

Anyway, that's the thing about words -- no one really knows what you're talking about. Here's a photo of a rose. Hey, it's a rose! But if I say "rose", I could mean a buncha things.

Is this the "City of Roses"...

...or this?

That's the joke. Anyway, what was I getting at? Nothing I suppose since I use words for the most part and I think it's been scientifically established here, today, that nothing can be said with words.

Henceforth, future "Basementing" posts will be in the form of rebuses.

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